On the first working day
Tax card
At Atria, the employer will receive all tax withholding information from the Tax Administration electronically. According to the tax authorities' instructions, tax cards or change tax cards do not need to be submitted or presented to the employer. Tax cards should not be submitted to payroll unless specifically requested by payroll.
On your first day, take your ID card with you (passport or identity card) to get your own access badge. If you are not an EU citizen, take your work permit with you and show it to your supervisor.
In the information/links below you will find local arrival instructions for production plants. The offices of Seinäjoki and Helsinki can be reached with the help of a visiting address.
Visiting address: Itikanmäenkatu 3, Seinäjoki
Visiting address: Läkkisepäntie 23, Helsinki
Sign up at the main gate, where you will continue to be guided to the right place depending on your department.
Arrive at the main gate and call the number displayed at the gate. The gatekeeper will notify your supervisor of your arrival or the person authorised by him or her, who will pick you up at the gate.
Area map and parking: Visitor instructions Kauhajoki
Arrive at the main entrance F of the factory and call your supervisor, who will pick you up at the door.
Area map and parking: Visitor instructions for Forssa
Arrive at the main entrance A. Ring the doorbell of the office door (blue glass door at the Atria advertising light) and a door will be opened for you. If there is no one to meet, go up the stairs to the second floor and sign in at the advice desk.
Area map and parking: Visitor instructions Jyväskylä
Arrive at the control room opposite the main entrance of the factory area, where you can get more detailed signs.
The guide will meet you in the factory area and guide you to the right place.
You will receive more detailed instructions on arrival from the supervisor before the work starts.
Arrive at factory door no. 1 and call your supervisor, who will pick you up at the door. The parking and door no. 1 can be found on the side of the Läntinen Yhdystie.