
Certifications of Atria's production facilities

The product safety management systems of Atria's production facilities are certified. A certified operating system is proof of a proactive approach to quality management, food safety and other legal and standard requirements.


Food safety management systems are a tool for developing your own operations. Certifications provide Atria's partners with independent, third-party assurance that the company has a systematic approach to food safety management.


Self-checking at Atria
The purpose of self-monitoring is to ensure that processes are working correctly and that products are safe for consumers.

Atria's self-monitoring is based on the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) system and a self-monitoring support system. Critical control points and control points for food safety have been defined for production processes as part of the self-monitoring system. The support system consists of Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) procedures required by legislation and standards and their monitoring.


Cleanliness of production facilities
The cleanliness of the production facilities is ensured by experts in the field. At the factory, all premises, equipment and lines are thoroughly cleaned at the end of the day's production. The success of the cleaning of the production areas is visually assessed every day before production starts. Cleanliness is also monitored by surface water sampling.


Staff hygiene
Staff hygiene practices are instructed in staff induction and in the social rooms. Continuous monitoring of hygiene practices is part of the daily management of the departments and is verified as part of the regular rounds of self-monitoring.


Safe production conditions
Hygienic conditions in the production environment are maintained at controlled temperatures, humidity and pressure. Microbial and humidity levels in the air are monitored and cleanliness samples are taken regularly from production surfaces. The presence of pathogens in products and production is monitored.