Our goal is that our entire value chain works sustainably
We develop the sustainability of the value chain together with our supply chain partners, for example in terms of food safety, transparency, social and environmental sustainability. We require our partners to comply with Atria's Supplier Code of Conduct, in which we oblige to comply with internationally recognized agreements and recommendations, the applicable legislation, rules and regulations of the operating countries. Atria's Supplier Code of Conduct are signed as part of the procurement contract. By accepting Atria's Supplier Code of Conduct, the supplier undertakes to comply with and develop its operations in accordance with the principles of economic, social and environmental sustainability.
In addition, our procurement contracts oblige our partners to meet Atria's requirements in their own operations. Through various commitments, Atria has set sustainable development goals for its own production and its entire value chain. Procurement includes meat, other raw materials, packaging materials, subcontracting, technical production assets, services and procurement related to investments.
Through various commitments, Atria has set sustainability targets for its own production.
In its Code of Conduct, Atria is committed to the following international agreements and recommendations:
- The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child
- International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention on Fundamental Labour Rights
- UN Global Compact initiative to promote human rights, labour rights, environmental protection and the prevention of corruption
- OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
- International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Charter on Sustainable
- Development and ICC Guidelines against Bribery and Corruption
- Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) Principles for Purchasing