Insider Register

Atria complies with Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd’s Guidelines for Insiders. In addition, Atria’s Board of Directors has confirmed Atria’s insider guidelines, which complement other insider guidelines and include instructions concerning insiders and insider administration. The company’s insider guidelines have been distributed to all persons discharging managerial duties as defined by the company, as well as to the people involved in the preparation of financial reporting. The guidelines are also available on the company’s intranet.


Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (Market Abuse Regulation) has been applied since 3 July 2016. Atria has not established a permanent insider register. Insider information is managed by means of project-specific insider registers that are established and maintained as needed. All project-specific insiders are informed about their insider status in writing and provided with the appropriate insider instructions.


Atria has determined that the members of the Board of Directors, the members of the Supervisory Board, the CEO, the Deputy CEO and the CFO satisfy the definition of personnel discharging managerial duties with a notification obligation. The company maintains a list of the personnel discharging managerial duties and their related parties.


The company maintains registers of managers subject to the notification obligation and their related parties, as well as of Atria’s project-specific insiders when necessary. The company’s legal department and CFO monitor compliance with the insider guidelines. Trading in the company's financial instruments has been restricted for the personnel discharging managerial duties and involved in the preparations of financial reporting in such a way that they cannot trade in the company’s shares 30 days prior to the publication of an interim report and a release of the     financial statements. Should the period between the end of a review period and the publication exceed 30 days the restriction period is adjusted accordingly.  


Due to the implementation of the Regulation of the market abuse (EU No. 596/2014, “MAR”) since the 3rd of July 2016, we no longer update the Insider Register at our website.


  1. Related-party transactions

Atria’s business operations may include regular business transactions with its related parties. The ordinary business activities of Atria Group’s primary production companies may include the sale and purchase of animals, grain and feed to and from people included in Atria’s related parties. In addition, Atria Group’s companies may purchase and sell services and raw materials from and to companies included in Atria’s related parties.


The company has defined its related parties and maintains a list of such related parties. The related parties have been provided with the necessary guidelines. Each person included in Atria’s related parties is responsible for ensuring that Atria has up-to-date information about their related parties. The company updates its list of related parties at least once a year by sending an information request to the people included in its related parties. The communities included in Atria’s related party listing are cheked in connection with this.


Decision-making guidelines have been prepared for business transactions with related parties. These guidelines enable Atria to identify related-party transactions and the related criteria and to assess in advance whether the transaction is part of its ordinary business. The purpose of the guidelines is to ensure the careful preparation of related-party transactions and the acquisition of any reports, statements and/or assessments necessary for the preparation, as well as decision-making in accordance with the disqualification regulations.


Atria has a monitoring and reporting system for related-party transactions, and control measures are also implemented regularly. Related-party transactions are reported annually to the Board of Directors to ensure that the transactions are part of the company’s ordinary business activities and are conducted on market terms.



