Shareholders Agreements
Lihakunta and Itikka Co-operative, two of Atria’s shareholders, have agreed to ensure that they are both represented on the Supervisory Board in proportion to their holdings of Series KII shares in the company. The parties will also ensure that all members of the Supervisory Board are nominated by the parties, unless it has been agreed in separate cases that some of the members of the Supervisory Board are elected from persons nominated by other shareholders. It has also been agreed that the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors are nominated by one party and the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board by the other party.
Regarding the distribution of Board positions, it has been agreed that each of the parties may nominate three ordinary members and their deputy members to the Board of Directors. The agreement also includes stipulations on the mutual proportion of shareholding and on the procedures followed when either party acquires more Series KII shares directly or indirectly. According to the agreement, the acquisition of Series A shares is not considered in the evaluation of the mutual proportion of shareholding.
Furthermore, Lihakunta, Itikka Co-operative and Pohjanmaan Liha Co-operative, which hold shares in Atria, have shareholder agreement where they have agreed to ensure that Pohjanmaan Liha Co-operative has one representative on the Supervisory Board. The agreement also includes stipulations on Pohjanmaan Liha co-operative`s shareholding.
The company is not aware of any other shareholder agreements.
Despite the above, the General Meeting decides on the number of members of the company’s Supervisory Board and of the Board of Directors and their election.