Annual General Meetings

Annual General Meetings


The General Meeting is Atria Plc’s highest decision-making body. At the General Meeting, shareholders decide, among other things, on approval of the financial statements and the use of the profit shown in the balance sheet; discharge from liability to the members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board and the CEO; the number of members on the Supervisory Board and the Board of Directors, election and remuneration of the members as well as election and fees of the auditor.

The Annual General Meeting is held annually by the end of June on a date designated by the Board of Directors, and the agenda includes matters that are to be handled by the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the Limited Liability Companies Act and the Articles of Association and any other proposals stated on the notice of meeting. Extraordinary General Meetings may be convened as needed.

Under the Limited Liability Companies Act, a shareholder has the right to have a matter falling within the competence of the General Meeting dealt with by the General Meetingif the shareholder so demands in writing from the Board of Directors well in advance of the meeting, so that the matter can be mentioned in the notice. Where applicable, the shareholder must submit a request to have the matter dealt with by the Annual General Meeting by the date set by the company, which is published on the company’s website at The request, with accompanying justification or proposed resolution, must be sent in writing to Atria Plc, Group Legal Affairs, P.O. Box 900, FI-60060 ATRIA, Finland.

The General Meeting is convened by the Board of Directors. It is held in the company’s domicile, Kuopio, or in Helsinki. The notice to convene the General Meeting is communicated by publishing the notice on the Company’s website and by a company announcement at the earliest three (3) months and at the latest three (3) weeks before the General Meeting, however, no later than nine (9) days prior to the record date for the General Meeting. In addition, the Board of Directors may decide to publish the notice, or notification of delivering notice, in one or more Finnish national newspapers determined by the Board of Directors, or in any other manner it may decide.
