Stock exchange releases | 03.5.2007


The owners included in the owner list on the balancing day, 8 May 2007, will be 
able to withdraw the dividend from the bank account entered for the book-entry  
account starting from the date of payment, 15 May 2007.                         

The AGM authorised the Board of Directors to decide on increasing the company's 
share capital by means of one or more subscription issues, so that the maximum  
number of the company's series A shares available for subscription should not   
exceed a total of 10,000,000 shares. The nominal value of one series A share is 
EUR 1.70.                                                                       

The AGM authorised the Board of Directors to decide on one of more share capital
increases in which the share capital is increased by a maximum of EUR 850,000.  

The AGM set the validity period of these authorisations to a maximum of five    
years, starting from the authorisation decision.                                

The share issue authorisation given to the Board of Directors applies to both a 
cash share issue and a bonus issue. The share issue may also be a private       
offering, if there is a strong financial justification for it concerning the    
benefit of the company or, in case of a directed bonus issue, a particularly    
strong financial justification concerning the benefit of the company and all its

The authorisation for a bonus issue can be mainly used when executing the share 
ownership plan of the senior management.                                        

The Board of Directors was given authorisation to decide on all the conditions  
of the share issues, including who is entitled to subscription and what the     
price will be.                                                                  

This authorisation will be in effect for five years from the authorisation      

The AGM decided to re-elect the following retiring members of the Supervisory   
Board: Mika Asunmaa, Lassi-Antti Haarala, Juhani Herrala, Heikki Panula and     
Ahti-Pekka Vornanen. Sinikka Ouramo (Raahe) and Teuvo Mutanen (Polvijärvi) were 
elected as new members.                                                         

Pekka Loikkanen, Authorised Public Accountant, and Eero Suomela, Authorised     
Public Accountant, will continue to act as the company's auditors. The deputy   
auditors are PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy and Markku Tynjälä, Authorised Public    

ATRIA GROUP PLC                                                                 

Matti Tikkakoski                                                                
President and CEO                                                               

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Principal media                                                        


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