Stock exchange releases | 31.5.2007


In accordance with Chapter 2, Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act we hereby
notify that Atria Group Plc has received the following notification on a change 
in holdings in the company from Lihakunta:                                      

Lihakunta and Nordea Bank Finland plc has on 30 May 2007 entered into a share   
lending agreement according to which Nordea Bank Finland plc, as the manager of 
the share issue ('Offering') published by Atria Group Plc on 18 May 2007,       
borrows 675,000 series A shares in Atria Group Plc owned by Lihakunta to be used
to settle any over-allotments made in connection with the Offering. The share   
lending agreement is valid between 31 May 2007 and 29 June 2007. After the lapse
of the validity period of the share lending agreement Nordea Bank Finland plc   
shall return to Lihakunta the amount of shares borrowed.                        

In accordance with Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities Markets Act we hereby 
notify that during the validity of the share lending agreement Lihakunta's      
proportion will decrease below one fourth (1/4) of the total amount of shares in
the company and that at the latest after the lapse of the validity period of the
agreement Lihakunta's proportion will exceed one fourth (1/4) of the total      
amount of shares in Atria Group Plc.                                            

1. Name of the target company                                                   

Atria Group Plc, Business Identity Code 0841066-1                               

2. Date when the holding changes                                                

The share lending agreement is valid between 31 May 2007 and 29 June 2007,      
during which period Lihakunta's proportion will decrease below one fourth (1/4) 
of the total amount of shares in Atria Group Plc. At the latest after the lapse 
of the validity period of the agreement Lihakunta's proportion will exceed one  
fourth (1/4) of the total amount of shares in Atria Group Plc.                  

3. Proportion of the total amount of shares in Atria Group Plc                  

At the beginning of the validity period of the share lending agreement          
Lihakunta's proportion of the total amount of shares in Atria Group Plc will be 
as follows:                                                                     

- series A shares 1,677,232                                                     
- series KII shares 4,020,200                                                   

Shares in total                                                                 
- 5,697,432                                                                     

Proportion of the total amount of shares                                        
- 24.7 %                                                                        

Proportion of voting rights                                                     
- 39.5 %                                                                        

Atria Group Plc's registered amount of shares comprises at the date of this     
notification in aggre-gate13,888,747 series A shares and 9,203,981 series KII   
shares. Each series KII share entitles to ten (10) votes at the General Meeting 
of Shareholders and each series A share to one (1) vote.                        

Atria Group Plc has on 31 May 2007 published that it will carry out the Offering
after which the registered amount of shares in Atria Group Plc (the             
over-allotment option mentioned in the terms and conditions of the Offering has 
not been taken into account) comprises a total of 18,388,747 series A shares and
9,203,981 series KII shares. If the over-allotment option amounting to maximum  
675,000 new series A shares is used in full, the registered amount of shares in 
Atria Group plc will comprise a total of 19,063,747 series A shares and         
9,203,981 series KII shares.                                                    

Taking into account the new series A shares allocated to Lihakunta in the       
Offering and the return of the shares borrowed based on the aforementioned share
lending agreement and assuming that the over-allotment option is used in full,  
Lihakunta's proportion of the total amount of shares in Atria Group Plc will    
after the completion of the Offering be as follows:                             

- series A shares 3,221,797                                                     
- series KII shares 4,020,200                                                   

Shares in total                                                                 
- 7,241,997                                                                     

Proportion of the total amount of shares                                        
- 25.6                                                                          

Proportion of the voting rights                                                 
- 39.1                                                                          

If the over-allotment option is not used or is only partly used, Lihakunta's    
holding following the Offering will be higher than mentioned above.             

4. Trade name of the shareholder                                                

Lihakunta, Business Identity Code 0171420-8                                     

Atria Group Plc                                                                 
Matti Tikkakoski                                                                
President and CEO                                                               

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Principal media                                                        


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