Stock exchange releases | 28.9.2009

Atria to launch an extensive efficiency improvement programme in Finland

Atria to launch an extensive efficiency improvement programme in Finland        

Atria Finland is launching an efficiency improvement programme with which it    
seeks to achieve annual savings of approximately EUR 5 million in its cost      
structure. For achieving the savings, the aim is to cut approximately 125       
man‑years of labour from the Finnish operations. Currently, some 2,250 employees
work in Atria's Finnish operations. According to the plan, the decreases in     
personnel are to be implemented through reduction in the number of fixed-term   
personnel, layoffs, increased part-time work, and pension arrangements and      
redundancy packages. The personnel reductions will affect all personnel groups. 

Except for volume development, the operations of Atria Finland have been in     
accordance with plans. The situation in the food product market is expected to  
become tougher with the slowing growth of volume and the pressures on food      
prices. For this reason, the company has deemed the launch of an efficiency     
improvement programme to be essential.                                          

In addition, Atria plans to implement investments aimed at improving            
productivity. The most significant of these will be the modernisation of the    
Nurmo pig cutting plant.                                                        

Employer-employee negotiations concerning the reorganisation of operations began
today. In the course of these negotiations, the possibilities for the employees 
being relocated within the Atria Finland organisation will be determined.       

For more information, please contact Mr Juha Gröhn, Executive Vice President,   
Atria Finland, at tel. +358 400 684 224.                                        

ATRIA PLC                                                                       
Matti Tikkakoski                                                                
President and CEO                                                               

Major media                                                                     
NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd


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