Stock exchange releases | 18.2.2010




- net sales for the year were down by 3.0 per cent compared with the previous   
- calculated in fixed currencies, net sales fell year-on-year by 1.2 per cent.  
- the Group's EBIT came to EUR 27.5 million, which includes a total of EUR 13.1 
million (EUR 1.5 million) of non-recurring costs.                               
- Atria Finland's profitability was at a good level                             
- Atria Russia's performance showed a clear improvement after a very weak first 
- the Group's cash flow was positive and net debt fell by EUR 20.8              

Atria Group:                                                                    
                              Q4/        Q4/                                    
EUR million                   2009       2008         2009        2008          
Net sales                    340.4      361.1      1,316.0     1,356.9          
EBIT                           3.9        3.8         27.5        38.4          
EBIT%                          1.1        1.1          2.1         2.8          
Profit before taxes            3.2       -8.4         16.5        16.7          
Earnings per share           -0.04      -0.21         0.25        0.42          

Review Q4/2009                                                                  

The Group's net sales development continued to be weak during the last quarter  
of the year. Particularly in Scandinavia, the weak sales volume development     
resulted in decreased net sales. In Russia, Q4/2009 is the first quarter when   
Campomos, which was acquired in October 2008, is included in the comparative    
period. Russia's lower year-on-year net sales are mainly explained by exchange  
rate changes and by the decision to discontinue the unprofitable Campomos       
products and customerships. Sales in the St. Petersburg region developed well in

Atria Finland's net sales began to increase in Q4. Retail sales volumes improved
in the last quarter of the year.                                                

The Group's EBIT was at the previous year's level. The result for the quarter   
includes EUR 7.2 million of non-recurring write-offs in the Baltic business     
area. Without the non-recurring costs, the result is significantly better than  
the comparative period's result. The Q4 EBIT excluding non-recurring costs came 
to EUR 11.1 (3.8) million, and the EBIT percentage was 3.3% (1.1%).             

Atria Finland's EBIT reached almost the previous year's level due to good sales 
and management of costs. Atria Scandinavia's EBIT showed a clear improvement    
year-on-year. Atria Scandinavia's margin level has improved from the start of   
the year, and the results of the efficiency improvement programmes have a       
positive impact on the result. Atria Russia also improved its EBIT significantly
in comparison to Q4/2008. The results have developed in a positive direction in 
the loss-making Campomos after Q1/2009, as the company's sales and cost         
structure have improved. Atria Baltic still posted a loss due to weak sales     
volumes and structure.                                                          

The Group's income tax percentage is high, because tax effect of the losses in  
the Baltic region have not been recognised.                                     

The Group's cash flow was positive, and net debt fell by EUR 26.1 million during
the Q4 period.                                                                  

Atria Finland     1 January - 31 December 2009                                  

                              Q4/        Q4/                                    
EUR million                   2009       2008         2009        2008          
Net sales                    207.5      206.2        781.9       797.9          
EBIT                          11.2       11.8         42.9        33.9          
EBIT%                          5.4        5.7          5.5         4.2          

Atria Finland's 2009 net sales were down by 2 per cent in comparison to the     
previous year. Atria brand's market share in the retail sector has remained     
stable. In the area of retailers' private label production, the market share has
decreased. Also, the decline in sales to Foodservice customers and in export    
sales impaired the development of net sales.                                    

Due to the global economic recession, the consumption of pork declined by two   
per cent, beef by two per cent and poultry by three per cent in Finland in 2009.
Meat production has also declined by a total of four per cent. (Source: TNS     
Gallup, Suomen Elintarviketieto Oy)                                             

Atria Finland's EBIT for the year was in accordance with targets; growth to the 
previous year came to 26.5 per cent. The positive development is due to long    
term cost management and optimisation of product selection so that unprofitable 
products have been discontinued.                                                

The Q4/2009 net sales took a turn for the better compared with the start of the 
year. The improvement of retail sales volumes is a positive factor. The EBIT for
the last quarter was at the same level as in the previous year's comparative    

Atria Scandinavia 1 January - 31 December 2009                                  

                              Q4/        Q4/                                    
EUR million                   2009       2008         2009        2008          
Net sales                     98.8      112.4        405.2       455.2          
EBIT                           3.4       -1.2         10.0        14.4          
EBIT%                          3.4       -1.1          2.5         3.2          

Atria Scandinavia's 2009 net sales declined by 11.0 per cent in comparison to   
the previous year. The main reason for the decline in net sales was the weak    
exchange rate of the Swedish krona. Calculated in fixed currencies, the decrease
in net sales was 3.5 per cent. In addition, the economic recession weakened the 
demand for more expensive product groups in both the retail sector and, in      
particular, in Foodservice customerships. Discontinuation of the salad and      
sandwich business in June also decreased Atria Scandinavia's net sales.         

In 2009, the concept business and delicatessen products increased their sales.  
In addition, the sales of 3-Stjernet cold cuts products in Denmark developed    
favourably. There were significant investments in marketing efforts focussed on 
the most important brands.                                                      

The development of Atria Scandinavia's earnings did not meet the target in 2009.
EBIT was clearly lower than in the previous year. The fall in EBIT is mainly a  
result of the loss-making salad and sandwich business and the weak exchange rate
of the Swedish krona, which kept the prices of imported raw materials high.     
Atria Scandinavia's EBIT for the year came to EUR 10.0 million, which includes  
EUR 2.9 million of non-recurring costs associated with the discontinuation of   
the salad and sandwich business.                                                

A significant reorganisation of the production and logistics in the Deli        
business was launched in Sweden in Q3/2009, and the implementation of the       
programme continued during Q4/2009.                                             

In Q4/2009, the weak sales volumes development impaired the growth of net sales.
Sales volumes decreased in both the retail sector and, in particular, in the    
Foodservice customerships. The reason for the decrease is the weakened demand   
caused by the economic recession.                                               

Atria Russia 1 January - 31 December 2009                                       

                             Q4/        Q4/                                     
EUR million                  2009       2008         2009        2008           
Net sales                     29.8       35.5        113.0        93.8          
EBIT                          -0.4       -5.7         -9.8        -3.4          
EBIT%                         -1.3      -16.1         -8.7        -3.6          

Atria Russia's net sales grew by 20.5 per cent in comparison to the previous    
year. Calculated in fixed currencies, the growth in net sales was 45.1 per cent.
A significant proportion of the growth came from the merger of Campomos,        
acquired in 2008, with Atria. In addition, net sales were boosted by Pit        
Product's increased sales and the price increases of about ten per cent in the  
second quarter. However, the growth of net sales was weighed down by the        
weakening of the Russian rouble, compared with 2008.                            

The unhealthy cost structure and unprofitable products and customerships of     
Campomos, and the non-recurring costs of corrective measures, significantly     
weakened Atria Russia's operating result in the first two quarters. Atria       
Russia's operating loss for the year came to EUR 9.8 million, which includes    
EUR 3.0 million of non-recurring takeover and integration costs associated with 

Due to the efficiency improvement measures launched during the year, Atria      
Russia's result improved quickly, and the result for the last two quarters only 
showed a slight loss. Atria implemented an extensive modernisation and marketing
campaign for the Campomos brand during autumn 2009.                             

In Q4/2009, Atria Russia announced investments in pig farming. Atria signed a   
shareholder agreement that gives Atria a 26 per cent holding in the Russian OOO 
Dan Invest company. The company owns two pig farms, whose production will start 
during 2010-2011, and the yearly production capacity will be 180,000 slaughter  
pigs by 2013. The total value of the project is about EUR 40 million. Atria     
invests a total of EUR 5 million in the project.                                

The start-up of the new production plant in Gorelovo will take place in early   
2010. The fixed costs associated with the start-up amount to approximately EUR 4
million a year. The start-up of production in the new plant will also cause some
additional costs.                                                               

Despite the positive development during the end of 2009, Atria Russia's         
full-year business result is not expected to turn profitable yet in 2010.       

Atria Baltic 1 January - 31 December 2009                                       

                             Q4/        Q4/                                     
EUR million                  2009       2008          2009        2008          
Net sales                      9.0       10.8         37.5        32.3          
EBIT                          -9.1       -0.7        -12.6        -3.8          
EBIT%                       -101.1       -6.5        -33.6       -11.8          

Atria's net sales in Estonia increased by 16.1 per cent year-on-year. The growth
in net sales was due to the merger of two acquisitions, AS Woro Kommerts and AS 
Vastse-Kuuste Lihatööstus, with Atria in summer 2008. Overall demand in         
Estonia's consumer goods retail trade declined strongly in 2009. The demand in  
the retail trade declined by a total of 17 per cent, and the demand for food    
declined by nine per cent (Source: Estonian Statistical Board). Atria's sales   
weakened with the markets and, in addition, some market share has been lost in  
the retail trade. Consumers' purchases focussed more on the less expensive      
product groups, and the consumption of meat decreased clearly.                  

The performance of the Estonian operations was unsatisfactory. The losses       
resulted from weak sales and costs associated with efficiency improvement       
programmes of the new companies acquired during 2008. Atria Baltic's operating  
loss for the year came to EUR 12.6 million, which includes EUR 7.2 million of   
non-recurring costs.                                                            

In January 2010, Atria's Board of Directors decided to record impairments       
totalling EUR 5.8 million in Estonia, EUR 3.0 million of which was allocated to 
goodwill, EUR 0.8 million to trademarks and EUR 2.0 million to buildings and    

In addition, the company's Board of Directors decided to reduce the book value  
of the company's estate in Lithuania by EUR 1.4 million.                        

The impairments will have no effects on the cash flow, and they will be recorded
in the performance of Q4/2009 as a non-recurring item.                          

Events occurring after the period                                               

In January 2010, Atria announced that it is launching an efficiency improvement 
programme in Estonia, seeking to achieve annual savings of approximately EUR 1  
million in its cost structure. In order to achieve the savings, Atria is closing
the Ahja plant and centralising the production to the Valga and Vastse-Kuuste   
production plants.  Approximately 40 employees will be laid off from the Ahja   

Rauno Väisänen was appointed Managing Director of Atria Estonia effective 1     
February 2010.                                                                  


The Group's investments for 2009 totalled EUR 33.0 million and for Q4 EUR 11.4  


The Group had an average of 6,214 (6,135) employees during the period.          

Personnel by business area:                                                     

Atria Finland                 2,222 (2,378)                                     
Atria Scandinavia             1,394 (1,691)                                     
Atria Russia                  2,003 (1,525)                                     
Atria Baltic                    595   (541)                                     

Atria Plc's administration                                                      

In its organisation meeting following the Annual General Meeting, Atria Plc's   
Supervisory Board re-elected retiring member Tuomo Heikkilä as a member of the  
Board of Directors. Esa Kaarto was elected as a new member in place of          
Ilkka Yliluoma.                                                                 

Ari Pirkola was appointed Chairman and Seppo Paavola as Vice Chairman of the    
Supervisory Board. Martti Selin, Chairman of the Board of Directors, was        

Atria Plc's Board of Directors now has the following membership: Chairman Martti
Selin; Vice Chairman Timo Komulainen; members Tuomo Heikkilä, Esa Kaarto, Runar 
Lillandt, Harri Sivula and Matti Tikkakoski.                                    

Christer Åberg, Managing Director of Atria Scandinavia, left Atria in autumn.   
Michael Forsmark, 44 (B.Sc, Business Administration) was appointed as the new   
managing director of Atria Scandinavia and a member of the Atria Group          
Management Team, effective from 1 October 2009.                                 


In the first half of 2009, the situation in the financial market was            
exceptional. As regards financing of companies, many banks focused basically on 
securing financing for their existing customers. In general, available loans had
rather short maturities and high margins. It was relatively difficult for       
companies to expand the range of their financing banks, because many foreign    
banks continued to cut their financing to companies. Despite the difficult      
market situation, Atria was able to cover its financing needs and to keep a     
sufficient number of committed credit limits to secure the Group's good         
liquidity. Atria made active use of commercial papers to acquire short-term     
financing, even though the liquidity of the commercial paper market has not yet 
returned to normal.                                                             

Market interest rates fell to a very low level during the year. This had a      
positive effect on the Group's financial expenses, even though the margins for  
new loans were rising. During the year, compensation in the amount of about     
EUR 6 million for the delay of the meat product plant in Gorelovo, St           
Petersburg, was recorded under interest income.                                 

In April, Atria Plc entered into two new five-year committed credit facilities  
of EUR 40 million. In November, the company refinanced a short-term credit limit
of EUR 9 million and a long-term credit limit of EUR 25 million by signing a new
five-year committed credit limit of EUR 40 million. In December, EUR 15.5       
million of 10-year TyEL premium lending was drawn. These arrangements lengthened
the average maturity of the Group's loan portfolio and strengthened the         
financial position.                                                             

Largest shareholders on 31 December 2009                                        

                                 KII          A       Total           %         
Itikka Co-operative        4,914,281   2,607,801     7,522,082    26.61         
Lihakunta                  4,020,200   3,438,797     7,458,997    26.39         
Odin Norden                            1,227,016     1,227,016     4.34         
Pohjanmaan Liha Co-operative 269,500     480,038       749,538     2.65         
Odin Finland                             396,151       396,151     1.40         
OP-Suomi Arvo                            350,000       350,000     1.24         
Reima Kuisla                             300,100       300,100     1.06         
Public pension insurance company Veritas 300,000       300,000     1.06         
Nordea Bank Finland Plc                  265,279       265,279     0.94         
OP-Delta mutual fund                     237,352       237,352     0.84         

Largest shareholders in terms of voting rights, 31 December 2009                

                                 KII           A      Total           %         
Itikka Co-operative       49,142,810   2,607,801    51,750,611    46.58         
Lihakunta                 40,202,000   3,438,797    43,640,797    39.28         
Pohjanmaan Liha Co-operative                                                    
                           2,695,000     480,038     3,175,038     2.86         
Odin Norden                            1,227,016     1,227,016     1.10         
Odin Finland                             396,151       396,151     0.36         
OP-Suomi Arvo                            350,000       350,000     0.32         
Reima Kuisla                             300,100       300,100     0.27         
Public pension insurance company Veritas 300,000       300,000     0.27         
Nordea Bank Finland Plc                  265,279       265,279     0.24         
OP-Delta mutual fund                     237,352       237,352     0.21         

Short-term business risks                                                       

There have been no significant changes in Atria's short-term risks during the   
year. The recession lowers demand in all of the Group's business areas.         

The profitability of Atria's operations is greatly affected by the risk         
associated with changes in the market price of meat raw material. Atria aims to 
protect itself against production costs increases by adjusting production, where
necessary, and by trying to anticipate changes through the pricing of end       
products. The Group applies a uniform currency risk policy to hedge against     
currency risks relating to purchasing of raw material. The Group began applying 
hedge accounting in accordance with IFRS to manage market risks.                

Being a food manufacturing company, it is of primary importance for Atria to see
to the high quality and safety of raw materials and products throughout the     
production chain. Atria has modern methods in place for ensuring the safety of  
production processes and for eliminating various microbiological, chemical and  
physical hazards.                                                               

The Gorelovo meat product plant will be opened in early 2010, and the aim is to 
minimise the risks related to the start of production.                          

Outlook for the future                                                          

Market conditions are expected to remain challenging in 2010. It is not         
anticipated that consumption of food and, in particular, meat, will decrease    
significantly. Therefore, sales volumes in the food industry are expected to    
remain at relatively good levels in Finland and in Scandinavia. In Russia and in
Estonia, the recovery from recession may take longer than anticipated. In the   
current market conditions, Atria is paying special attention to efficient cost  

After the acquisitions of 2007-2008, 2009 was a year for integrating and        
stabilising business operations, and improving the efficiency of operations. The
efficiency improvement measures initiated during 2009 will be completed in 2010,
and particular attention will be paid to the working capacity of the            
organisation. Investment decisions will be made in a controlled manner, and the 
entire Group will focus on securing a positive cash flow and reduction of       
working capital.                                                                

Despite the challenging market situation, the Group's net sales and EBIT are    
expected to grow in 2010.                                                       

Board Authorisations                                                            

The General Meeting of 29 April 2009 authorised the Board of Directors to       
decide, on one or several occasions, on an issue of, at maximum, 12,800,000 new 
A shares or on A shares that may be held by the company through a share issue   
and/or by granting option rights or other special rights entitling one to shares
as referred to in Chapter 10, Section 1 of the Companies Act. The authorisation 
shall supersede all valid share issue authorisations, including authorisation   
for a reserve increase, and be valid until the closing of the next Annual       
General Meeting, but no later than until 30 June 2010.                          

Purchase and transfer of treasury shares                                        

The General Meeting held on 29 April 2009 authorised the Board of Directors to  
decide on the purchase of up to 2,800,000 A shares of the company with the      
company's unrestricted equity. The maximum amount of Series A shares to be      
acquired is less than 10 per cent of all the Company's shares. The authorisation
shall be valid until the closing of the next Annual General Meeting, but no     
later than until 30 June 2010.                                                  

In 2008, based on the authorisation issued by the General Meeting on 29 April   
2008, Atria Plc's Board of Directors decided to purchase up to 300,000 A shares 
of the company. In accordance with the authorisation, the shares to be purchased
were intended to be used as consideration in possible company acquisitions or   
other arrangements relating to the company's business, for the financing of     
investments, for the implementation of the company's incentive programme, for   
improvement of the company's capital structure, or to be kept by the company,   
otherwise assigned or cancelled. The acquisition of treasury shares began on 29 
September 2008 and ended on 3 February 2009.                                    

Treasure Series A shares held by the company were not transferred in 2009. On 31
December 2009, the company held a total of 113,712 treasury shares.             

Corporate Governance Principles                                                 

Atria's Corporate Governance Principles and deviations from the Finnish         
Corporate Governance Code are published on the Company's website at                                                          

Dividend proposal                                                               

The Board of Directors proposes that a dividend of EUR 0.25 be paid for each    
share for the financial year 2009.                                              

Annual General Meeting on 29 April 2010                                         

Atria Plc invites its shareholders to the Annual General Meeting, which will be 
held on Thursday, 29 April 2010 in Helsinki at the Finlandia Hall.              

The AGM will address the following matters, among others:                       

Matters to be addressed at the AGM as set out in Article 16 of the Articles of  

Restrictions on trading by insiders                                             

The Company's insiders may not trade company shares during a period which is 14 
days before the publication of the Company's interim reports and financial      
statement release ('closed window').                                            

Financial calendar 2010                                                         

Atria Plc will publish three interim reports in 2010:                           

- interim report January to March on 28 April 2010 at approximately 08:00       
- interim report January to June on 29 July 2010 at approximately 08:00         
- interim report January to September on 27 October 2010 at approximately 08:00.

The Annual General Meeting will be held in Helsinki on 29 April 2010. The Annual
Report will be published during week 14/2010. The interim reports may also be   
viewed on the company's website at immediately after their   

Silent period                                                                   

Atria Group's IR applies a silent period, which means that Atria does not give  
any statements about its financial situation three weeks prior to the           
publication of interim reports and financial statements.                        

Principles applied in preparing the financial statements                        

This financial statement release was prepared in accordance with the IAS 34     
Interim Financial Reporting standard. Atria has applied the same principles in  
preparing this financial statement release as in preparing the 2008 annual      
financial statements. However, as of 1 January 2009, the Group has adopted the  
following standards published by the IASB, included in the accounting principles
of the annual financial statements of 2008:                                     

- IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements. The aim of the revision is to    
improve the ability of users to analyse and compare the data provided in        
financial statements by separating changes in equity related to transactions    
with company owners from other changes in equity. The revision will also lead to
comprehensive modifications of the terminology used in other standards and to   
changes in the titles of some financial statements.                             

- IFRS 8, Segment Reporting. The standard replaces IAS 14. The standard requires
segment information to be presented using the 'management approach', which means
that data is presented in the same way as in internal reporting. The new        
standard will not affect the segments to be reported, nor will it significantly 
affect the information provided on segments, since the segment information      
previously published by the Group has been based on internal reporting.         

- The other standards published by the IASB, included in the accounting         
principles of the annual financial statements 2008 and adopted as of 1 January  
2009, have not had a significant effect on the figures presented for the review 

Function-specific income statement                                              

As of 1 January 2009, Atria has adopted in its external reporting the           
function-specific income statement model that is also used in the company's     
internal reporting.                                                             

The comparative figures for 2008 presented in the financial statement release   
have been adjusted to correspond to the function-specific income statement      
model. The function-specific income statements for 2008 by quarter and total    
figures for 2008 are presented in the interim report published on 28 April 2009.

The figures of the financial statement release are unaudited.                   

FINANCIAL INDICATORS                                                            

EUR million                                                                     

                                   31-12-09 31-12-08 31-12-07 31-12-06 31-12-05 

Net sales                           1 316.0  1 356.9  1 272.2  1 103.3    976.9 
EBIT                                   27.5     38.4     94.5     41.5     40.2 
% of net sales                          2.1      2.8      7.4      3.8      4.1 
Financial income and                                                            
expenses                              -12.4    -22.3    -14.3     -7.3     -3.2 
% of net sales                          0.9      1.6      1.1      0.6      0.3 
Profit before tax                      16.5     16.7     80.6     34.6     37.8 
% of net sales                          1.3      1.2      6.3      3.1      3.9 
Return of                                                                       
equity (ROE), %                         1.7      2.5     17.2      8.8     10.0 
Return of investment                                                            
(ROI), %                                4.7      5.3     15.2      8.7     10.3 
Equity ratio, %                        39.7     38.4     47.6     42.8     43.0 
liabilities                           425.8    448.4    321.9    244.2    206.9 
Gearing, %                             97.5    103.1     67.6     78.1     75.2 
Net gearing, %                         89.4     94.6     60.1     66.8     68.9 
Gross investments                                                               
in fixed assets                        33.0    152.6    284.1     89.0    107.3 
% of net sales                          2.5     11.2     22.3      8.1     11.0 
Average FTE                           6 214    6 135    5 947    5 740    4 433 
R&D costs                               9.4      9.9      8.4      7.4      6.7 
% of net sales *                        0.7      0.7      0.7      0.7      0.7 
Volume of orders **                                                             

* Booked in total as expenditure for the financial year                         
** Not a significant indicator, as orders are generally                         
delivered on the day following the order being placed                           

SHARE-ISSUE ADJUSTED PER-SHARE INDICATORS                                       
                                    31-12-09 31-12-08 31-12-07 31-12-06 31-12-05
Earnings per                                                                    
share (EPS), EUR                        0.25     0.42     2.56     1.15     1.24
Shareholders'equity per                                                         
share, EUR                             15.39    15.34    16.77    13.28    12.08
Dividend/share, EUR*                    0.25     0.20     0.70    0.595    0.595
Dividend/profit, %*                     99.5     48.1     27.4     51.7     48.0
Effective dividend                                                              
yield *                                  2.3      1.7      4.0      3.3      3.3
Price/earnings (P/E)                    44.0     27.9      6.8     15.9     14.5
capitalisation                         312.6    327.9    490.4    422.4    379.5
Share turnover/                                                                 
1 000 shares, A                        7 389    4 077    7 933    3 899    5 704
Share turnover %, A                     38.8     21.4     41.6     28.1     48.0
Number of shares,                                                               
million total                           28.3     28.3     28.3     23.1     21.1
Number of shares, A                     19.1     19.1     19.1     13.9     11.9
Number of                                                                       
shares, KII                              9.2      9.2      9.2      9.2      9.2
Share issue-adjusted average                                                    
number of shares                        28.3     28.3     26.1     21.8     21.1
Share issue-adjusted number                                                     
of shares                                                                       
on 31 December                          28.3     28.3     28.3     23.1     21.1

SHARE PRISE DEVELOPMENT                                                         

Lowest of period, A                     6.50    10.51    16.90    15.00    11.50
Highest of period, A                   13.00    18.29    28.77    21.50    18.18
At end of period A                     11.06    11.60    17.35    18.29    17.99
Average price for                                                               
period A                               10.76    14.04    22.18    18.31    15.33

* Proposal of the Board of Directors                                            

ATRIA PLC                                                                       

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION                                    


EUR million                                                    31-12-09 31-12-08

Non-current assets                                                              
 Property, plant and                                                            
 equipment                                                        469.1    493.5
 Goodwill                                                         157.8    151.1
 Other intangible assets                                           70.0     70.5
 Investments in joint ventures                                                  
 and associates                                                     7.4      6.1
 Available-for-sale financial                                                   
 assets                                                             2.3      2.1
 Loans and receivables                                             14.5     15.5
 Deferred tax assets                                                6.7      2.2
Total                                                             727.8    741.0

Current assets                                                                  
 Inventories                                                      115.6    113.3
 Trade and other receivables                                      212.6    231.8
 Cash and cash equivalents                                         35.3     37.1
Total                                                             363.5    382.2

Non-current assets held for sale                                   10.0     11.3

Total assets                                                    1 101.3  1 134.5

Equity and liabilities                                                          

EUR million                                                    31-12-09 31-12-08

 Equity belonging to                                                            
 the shareholders of the                                                        
 parent company                                                   435.1    433.5
 Minority interest                                                  1.8      1.4
Total equity                                                      436.9    434.9

Non-current liabilities                                                         
 Interest-bearing financial                                                     
 liabilities                                                      318.9    320.8
 Deferred tax liabilities                                          41.2     42.4
 Other non-interest-bearing                                                     
 liabilities                                                        1.3      0.2
Total                                                             361.4    363.4

Current liabilities                                                             
 Interest-bearing financial                                                     
 liabilities                                                      106.9    127.6
 Trade and other payables                                         196.1    208.6
Total                                                             303.0    336.2

Total liabilities                                                 664.4    699.6

Total equity and                                                                
liabilities                                                     1 101.3  1 134.5

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                   

EUR million                                  10-12/09 10-12/08  1-12/09  1-12/08

Net sales                                       340.4    361.1  1 316.0  1 356.9

Cost of goods sold                             -297.2   -325.3 -1 151.0 -1 198.4
Gross profit                                     43.2     35.8    165.0    158.5
* of Net sales                                   12.7      9.9     12.5     11.7

Sales and                                                                       
marketing costs                                 -21.3    -18.9    -77.7    -73.6
Administration costs                            -12.1    -14.0    -47.7    -47.3
Other income                                      1.6      1.4      4.6      3.7
Other expenses                                   -7.5     -0.5    -16.7     -2.9
EBIT                                              3.9      3.8     27.5     38.4
* of Net sales                                    1.1      1.1      2.1      2.8

Finance income and cost                          -1.2    -12.2    -12.4    -22.3
Share of the result of                                                          
associates                                        0.5               1.4      0.6
Profit before tax                                 3.2     -8.4     16.5     16.7
* of Net sales                                    0.9     -2.3      1.3      1.2

Income tax expense                               -4.6      2.2     -9.1     -5.3
Profit for the period                            -1.4     -6.2      7.4     11.4
* of Net sales                                   -0.4     -1.7      0.6      0.8

Profit attributable to:                                                         
Owners of the parent                             -1.2     -5.9      7.0     11.8
Minority interest                                -0.2     -0.3      0.4     -0.4
Total                                            -1.4     -6.2      7.4     11.4

Basic earnings/                                                                 
share, EUR                                      -0.04    -0.21     0.25     0.42

Diluted earnings/                                                               
share, EUR                                      -0.04    -0.21     0.25     0.42


EUR million                                  10-12/09 10-12/08  1-12/09  1-12/08

Profit for the period                            -1.4     -6.2      7.4     11.4

Other comprehensive income after tax:                                           
financial assets                                  0.1                       -1.8
Cash flow hedging                                -1.4              -1.4         
Net investment hedging                           -0.3              -0.3         
Translation differences                           3.2    -25.7      2.5    -30.3
Total comprehensive income                                                      
for the period                                    0.2    -31.9      8.2    -20.7

Total comprehensive income attributable to:                                     
Owners of the parent                              0.4    -31.4      7.8    -20.2
Minority interest                                -0.2     -0.5      0.4     -0.5
Total                                             0.2    -31.9      8.2    -20.7

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                     

EUR million     Equity belonging to the shareholders of the        Mino   Equity
                parent company                                     rity    total

                Share Share   Other Inv. Own    Trans  Retain Total             
                ca    premium reser non- shares lation ed                       
                pit           ves   rest.       diff.  earn                     
                al                  equity             ings                     
1-1-2008          48.1  138.5   1.9 110.5   0.0   -3.3  178.5 474.2   1.9  476.0

Periods comprehensive                                                           
income                         -1.8              -30.1   11.8 -20.2  -0.5  -20.7
payment                              -0.2                      -0.2         -0.2
Acquired treasure                                                               
shares                                     -0.5                -0.5         -0.5
Distribution of                                                                 
dividends                                               -19.8 -19.8        -19.8

31-12-2008        48.1  138.5   0.1 110.3  -0.5  -33.4  170.5 433.5   1.4  434.9

Periods comprehensive                                                           
income                         -1.7                2.5    7.0   7.8   0.4    8.2
payment                               0.3                       0.3          0.3
Acquired treasure                                                               
shares                                     -0.8                -0.8         -0.8
Distribution of                                                                 
dividends                                                -5.7  -5.7         -5.7

31-12-2009        48.1  138.5  -1.6 110.6  -1.3  -31.0  171.9 435.1   1.8  436.9

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                

EUR million                                                     1-12/09  1-12/08

Cash flow from operating activities                                             
 Operating activities                                              92.7     69.9
 Financial items and taxes                                        -31.0    -32.3
Net cash flow from operating                                                    
activities                                                         61.7     37.6

Cash flow from investing activities                                             
 Tangible and intangible assets                                   -32.3    -65.5
 Investments                                                       -1.8      3.6
 Bought shares in                                                               
 subsidiaries                                                              -41.3
Net cash used in investing                                                      
activities                                                        -34.1   -103.2

Cash flow from financing activities                                             
 Loans drawn down                                                  41.8    171.7
 Loans repaid                                                     -64.8    -86.0
 Dividends paid                                                    -5.7    -19.8
 Acquired treasury shares                                          -0.7     -0.9
Net cash used in financing                                                      
activities                                                        -29.4     65.0

Change in liquid                                                                
funds                                                              -1.8     -0.6

OPERATING SEGMENTS                                                              

EUR million                                  10-12/09 10-12/08  1-12/09  1-12/08

Net sales                                                                       
 Finland                                        207.5    206.2    781.9    797.9
 Scandinavia                                     98.8    112.4    405.2    455.2
 Russia                                          29.8     35.5    113.0     93.8
 Baltics                                          9.0     10.8     37.5     32.3
 Eliminations                                    -4.7     -3.8    -21.6    -22.3
Total                                           340.4    361.1  1 316.0  1 356.9

 Finland                                         11.2     11.8     42.9     33.9
 Scandinavia                                      3.4     -1.2     10.0     14.4
 Russia                                          -0.4     -5.7     -9.8     -3.4
 Baltics                                         -9.1     -0.7    -12.6     -3.8
 Unallocated                                     -1.2     -0.4     -3.0     -2.7
Total                                             3.9      3.8     27.5     38.4

ROCE *                                                                          
 Finland                                                         10.2 %    7.9 %
 Scandinavia                                                      4.0 %    5.4 %
 Russia                                                          -6.9 %   -3.3 %
 Baltics                                                        -26.5 %   -9.1 %
 Group                                                            3.1 %    4.5 %

* ROCE % =                                                                      
  EBIT, 12mr / Capital employed, 12 mr avg *100                                 

 Finland                                          4.1      3.8     14.2     23.8
 Scandinavia                                      2.4     16.8      5.3     41.8
 Russia                                           4.5     38.6     11.9     68.6
 Baltics                                          0.4      2.1      1.6     18.4
Total                                            11.4     61.3     33.0    152.6

 Finland                                          7.2      7.3     29.7     29.8
 Scandinavia                                      2.7      2.4     12.0     11.7
 Russia                                           1.9      1.0      6.4      3.2
 Baltics                                          8.0      0.9     10.5      2.8
Total                                            19.8     11.6     58.6     47.5

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                                          

EUR million                                                    31-12-09 31-12-08

Debts with mortgages or other collateral                                        
given as security                                                               
 Loans from financial                                                           
 institutions                                                       6.0      9.6
 Pension fund loans                                                 4.2      3.9
Total                                                              10.2     13.5

Mortgages and other securities given as                                         
comprehensive security                                                          
 Real estate                                                                    
 mortgages                                                          6.7      6.7
 Corporate mortgages                                                3.1      7.9
Total                                                               9.8     14.6

Guarantee engagements not included                                              
in the balance sheet                                                            
 Guarantees                                                         0.8      0.9

ATRIA PLC                                                                       
Board of Directors                                                              

For further information, please contact Matti Tikkakoski, President and CEO,    
tel. +358 50 2582.                                                              

Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Ltd                                                         
Major media                                                                                                                          

The financial statements will be mailed to you upon request and are also        
available on our website at
financial statements 2009_presentation.pdf


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