Press releases | 24.11.2021

Atria is building a good tomorrow - concrete actions are crucial in climate and sustainability work

Atria has set itself the goal of being a pioneer in sustainability. Because of climate change, Atria’s most important goal today is a carbon-neutral food chain. To achieve these goals, Atria has expanded its sustainability programme with the aim of reducing the environmental impact and carbon emissions of the entire value chain. Sustainability is an integral part of Atria's strategy, business and daily work.

- Our ambition is to be a sustainability leader in our industry. To achieve this goal, we have updated and extended our sustainability strategy to cover the entire value chain. From now on we will increasingly develop sustainability in collaboration with our supply chain partners. We will enable sustainable choices for consumers and customers and promote the well-being of society and the environment, says Merja Leino, Atria's Executive Vice President for Sustainability.

- We are committed to the international Science Based Targets climate initiative (SBTi), which links our sustainability work to the Paris Climate Agreement's goal of limiting the global average temperature increase to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius. This commitment will better involve the whole Atria supply chain in climate work and give us a scientific international framework for our work, says Merja Leino.

- Openness and transparency are important to us. We want to provide consumers and customers with increasingly accurate information on the environmental impact of our operations and animal welfare throughout the whole production chain, continues Merja Leino.

In recent years, Atria has invested heavily in renewable energy, animal welfare and the calculation of the carbon footprint of its products. Ten years ago, Atria introduced traceable chicken products and then extended traceability to pork and beef products. Atria has launched an expansion project for a solar power park at its Nurmo factory and was the first in the world to introduce product-specific carbon footprint labelling on chicken and pork packaging.

Planet, products and people

Atria develops its sustainability through three focus areas: Planet, Products and People. Atria contributes to addressing the major challenges of our time, working to mitigate climate change and improve energy efficiency. Atria invests in renewable energy solutions and pays attention to human rights issues. Animal welfare is a proven concern throughout Atria's food chain. The journey of products from field to table is fully open and transparent.

For further information, please contact Merja Leino, Atria Plc, Executive Vice President, Sustainability, tel. +358 40 580 1210,


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