Stock exchange releases | 11.9.2023

Inside information, profit warning: Atria is raising its adjusted EBIT guideline for 2023

Atria Plc, Inside information, 11th of September 2023, at 4.40 pm

Inside information, profit warning: Atria is raising its adjusted EBIT guideline for 2023

Atria raises its adjusted EBIT guideline for 2023 and estimates the adjusted EBIT to be higher than the previous year (EUR 49.0 million).

In other respects, the guidelines have remained unchanged.

The reason for raising the adjusted EBIT guideline is Atria Finland´s good profit development, which is mainly due to the better-than-anticipated commissioning of the new poultry factory. In addition, the structure of Atria Finland's sales is better than the previous year. The phased commissioning of the new factory is estimated to result in lower costs than previously estimated. The completion of the project is progressing on schedule, and the factory will be fully operational by the end of 2024.

Updated guidelines:

Atria Group’s adjusted EBIT in 2023 is expected to be higher than in the previous year (EUR 49.0 million).

During 2023, the company will commission a major expansion at its Sköllersta plant in Sweden, and the phased start-up and testing of the new poultry plant in Nurmo will begin. These measures will result in additional costs in 2023.

In addition, high costs, weakened consumer purchasing power and global political uncertainty will continue to affect the business environment in 2023. Atria’s strong market position and strong brands, good customer relationships and reliable industrial processes will enable stable business also in 2023.

Previously published guidelines were:

Atria Group’s adjusted EBIT in 2023 is expected to be smaller than in the previous year (EUR 49.0 million).

During 2023, the company will commission a major expansion at its Sköllersta plant in Sweden, and the phased start-up and testing of the new poultry plant in Nurmo will begin. These measures will result in additional costs in 2023.

In addition, high costs, weakened consumer purchasing power and global political uncertainty will continue to affect the business environment in 2023. Atria’s strong market position and strong brands, good customer relationships and reliable industrial processes will enable stable business also in 2023.

Atria will announce the January-September 2023 interim report on October 24, 2023 at approximately 8:00 a.m.

For more information, please contact Kai Gyllström, CEO of Atria Plc. Contacts and interview requests via Hanne Kortesoja, Group Vice President, Corporate Communications & IR, e-mail:, tel. +358 400 638839.

Kai Gyllström

Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
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