Press releases | 06.3.2024

Ambitious and science-based work for sustainability - Atria's Corporate Responsibility Report 2023 has been published

Responsibility is an integral part of Atria's strategy, business and daily work. We develop our own operations and those of the entire food chain with respect for the planet, people and food. Atria promotes sustainability in its operations and value chain at all levels of responsibility.

Cost inflation and economic uncertainty revolutionised consumer behaviour and food choices in our markets in 2023, but they did not affect our responsibility work, and we continued to drive our key objectives with determination and good results. We focused in particular on tackling climate change, reducing emissions from food production and proving the sustainability of our value chain.

– We have a broad impact on people and society around us. We are a large employer, providing income and value not only to our own staff but also to producers, subcontractors and partners, says Merja Leino, Vice President, Corporate Responsibility.

The Atria Group's Corporate Responsibility Report describes the concrete measures of the company's responsibility programme and how work towards the targets has progressed. The report provides extensive information on the environmental and social responsibility impacts of Atria Group's operations throughout our value chain.

The report can be found on Atria's website:

For further information, please contact Merja Leino, Vice President, Corporate Responsibility, Atria Plc, tel. +358 40 580 1210,

Highlights of Atria's sustainability in 2023

  • Ambitious climate work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with SBTI targets continued.
  • Atria introduced carbon footprint calculators.
  • Expansion of Atria's Nurmo solar park nearly doubles solar electricity production.
  • Atria develops energy efficiency at the new poultry plant in Nurmo and the Sköllersta production facility, among others.
  • Atria Finland participates in the Food Industry Federation's material efficiency commitment.
  • Bio-based plastic reduces the carbon footprint of packaging - Atria launches a new type of packaging material for minced meat packaging.
  • Atria improved its CDP climate change assessment score by three grades and achieved a management-level rating of B-.
  • Atria Finland launched the Atria 100 Young Producers training programme for future livestock farmers.
  • The Atria Group's accident frequency rate has been falling for five years, and there have also been fewer serious accidents. Between 2018 and 2022, the accident rate fell by almost 50%.
  • Atria Denmark has been awarded the prestigious title of a socially responsible company.
  • Atria Finland is committed to promoting diversity and equality in the workplace.
  • Atria's Finnish grass-fed beef again scored a success at the World Steak Challenge 2023 in London - winning gold medals in three different categories.


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