Stock exchange releases | 21.3.2007


Atria's subsidiary in St. Petersburg, Pit-Product Ltd., in the context of       
implementing investment program plans to concentrate production capacities in   
Sinyavino and Gorelovo in the St. Petersburg region. During May 2007 the        
production capacities currently functioning in St. Petersburg at pr. Obukhovskoy
Oborony will be terminated and transferred to Sinyavino in Leningrad region.    

Decision to concentrate the production capacity in one place is made to improve 
operational efficiency of the company, increase the control over technological  
processes and simplify logistics. Costs improvement effect will be about EUR 1.5
million year basis and reduce of persons - approximately 220 persons. During the
year 2007 cost improvement effect will be approximately EUR 700,000.            

The investment program for the years 2006-2008 of Atria Group Plc, where        
Pit-Product belongs, includes a number of steps to increase the operational     
efficiency, investments into own premises in Sinyavino and construction of a new
production site and logistics centre in Gorelovo. Investments to Sinyavino      
(total EUR 10 million) factory during 2006-2007 will increase the total capacity
of the site nearly 50 percentage. The production capacity of the St. Petersburg 
factory is only one fifth of the Sinyavino capacity and it operates in rental   

The next step of further development will be the start of operations of the new 
factory in Gorelovo in the end of 2008, which will allow Pit-Product to double  
the capacity. The investments in construction of the new factory and logistic   
centre in St. Petersburg will be approximately EUR 70 million.                  

Since 2005 Pit-Product Ltd. is a part of Atria Group Plc, and obtains the       
leading position among meat processing companies in St. Petersburg area.        
Pit-Products market share is 25%. Company's turnover was EUR 74 million year    
2006. During the year 2006 Pit-Product's market share increased 5 percentage    
units (source: ACNielsen, January 2007).                                        

During Jan-Feb 2007 the sales and profit have developed positively.             

For additional information please contact Mr Juha Ruohola, Director, Atria      
Russia and Baltic, tel. +358 400 647160.                                        

ATRIA GROUP PLC                                                                 

Matti Tikkakoski                                                                
President and CEO                                                               

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Principal Media                                                        


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